Hesketh Conclave 309
On Wednesday 26th February 2020, Hesketh Conclave members gathered at Chorley Masonic Hall to hold their Regular Meeting, albeit by dispensation as they are no longer able to meet at Leyland.
The first item of business was to remember and honour the passing to higher service of one of our Past Grand Sovereigns Most Illustrious Knight Cdr Ronald (Ron) Albert Champion, RN, G.C.C., was called to higher service on the 9th February.
Puissant Sovereign Ron Gates thanks Ray for his services
The Conclave business for the night was pretty much a business meeting with no candidates waiting in the wings. In fact, most of the evening was taken up with admin which the Puissant Sovereign, Ron Gates and Recorder, Mike Beesley, sailed through in no time.
The members were not undaunted by the prospect of listening to those two all night as they and their visitors had gathered to be entertained by Illustrious Knight Ray Pye, P.G. Warden of Regalia who had prepared a paper for their delectation.
Now this is not the place to delve to deeply into the subject matter of the paper, but Ray delivered a very thought-provoking presentation called ‘Live Long and Prosper’.
Clearly such a title could not avoid references to Star Trek and Mr Spock so excellently portrayed by Leonard Nimoy.  But that was almost an aside, with the focus of the talk concentrating on the Hebrew character ‘Shin’ pronounced ‘Sheen’ and displayed as ש it being the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
And that is where you’re your curiosity must take over; how does a Hebrew character have such a relevance to our Christian ceremonial?  Don’t take my word for it, come and join us. We meet on the last Wednesday in the months of October, February and April. If that pattern doesn’t suit your current commitments St Georges Conclave No 42 also meets at Chorley on the Second Tuesday in October and February and the First Tuesday in June.
Following the meeting we retired to our Festive Board which was enhanced by the usual banter that prevails on these occasions.
Those who are Craft Freemasons, Royal Arch Companions and of the Christian faith are qualified to join us.
Report and photo by Mike Beesley Conclave Recorder and Webmaster